These past two weeks have really been defined by my time. With the holidays occuring around this time, I have been increasingly had my work cut out for me and it gets tough. I have had to reevaluate and redesign my time because I would get busy and not have an opportunity to work on the things I wanted to do and it is a good time to reevaluate how I manage my time. The biggest issue I face with time is my timelines. I structure my time to be on time but I keep having to change it until it is changed completely. Currently, I am reevaluating the reasons for which my timeline keeps becoming unattainable and how I can organise myself to meet my goals for this Original Work.
On another note, interviews are going splendid. I have got one scheduled for November 29 and held my 2nd interview last tuesday. So far the information the professionals I have been lucky to talk with have been very helpful and have given me some good insight into what I need to look for and make sure that I am on the right path. After my third interview, that's when I will revamp my timeline. It will be tough but one way or another I will have to get it done.