This week has been full of setbacks for my research. I have been getting busy with IB and that has become very troubling for me because it means less time for me to devote to my original work log and the research I would want to complete. However, with thanksgiving break coming up, I should have some good time to get the research I would like to accomplish and start a draft for the document. My goal for the timeline for this document is to have a draft done before I come back from thanksgiving break and work to move forward.
The reflecting part of this blog comes from a presentation I had where I just went through everything I had been researching. It went well in my opinion but it made me reflect on everything I have been looking into for my topic. So far it has helped me form a baseline and direct everything so far. However I think where it is lacking is the specifics that would be crucial to look into for my original work. That I think should be done over the break but other than that, it is looking good and I hope things work out they way I would like them to going forward.