We just got back and this semester is full of different expectations. I like to think of this as a blank slate to focus on the second part of my journey through the ISM program. As of right now I am simply brainstorming what to do for my final product and setting up the plan for this semester. As of right now this semester is shaping up to be less about research and more about experience which is exciting because now I can put what I have been learning to use.
First thing is making sure that I have an idea for my final product and a timeline for it. Last semester I learned a lot about how easily timelines can get messed up if even one thing becomes unrealistic so it is important that I make sure that once I have a calendar, I can stick to it. However, if something does go wrong I need to make sure that something is in place to make sure I don't fall too far behind because setbacks happen and the ones I faced with my original work may not be future setbacks but still setbacks to be conquered. I have a couple ideas for my final product I think right now, especially this week I need to focus in on what problem and/or concept I would want to address before devising this timeline.
Another thing I need to take care of is standardising my speech. In previous performances of my speech I went overtime and in some cases lost the audience's attention. For upcoming speeches I need to have a list in my mind of what to highlight, what to skim through, and if I am meeting the timing parameters of what this speech requires.
It has been a good break but I am excited to be back and excited to see what happens in these next 15 weeks.